Source code for fabliip.database.mysql

from getpass import getpass

from fabric import api


[docs]def dump(backup_path, database_name, user='root', host=None, password=None): """ Backup MySQL database as a MySQL archive. If host is set to None, will be used. If password is set to None, a prompt will ask a password. """ if host is None: host = DEFAULT_HOST'mysqldump {database_name} -h{host} -u{user} {password_param} > {backup_path}' .format( database_name=database_name, host=host, user=user, password_param=get_password_param(user, password), backup_path=backup_path, ))
[docs]def restore(backup_path, database_name, user='root', host=None, password=None): """ Restore MySQL database. If host is set to None, will be used. If password is set to None, a prompt will ask a password. """ if host is None: host = DEFAULT_HOST'mysql -h{host} -u{user} {password_param} {database_name} < {backup_path}' .format( database_name=database_name, host=host, user=user, password_param=get_password_param(user, password), backup_path=backup_path, ))
[docs]def get_password_param(user, password): """ Ask a password in the prompt """ if password is None: password = getpass('Enter database password for {user}: ' .format(user=user)) return '-p{password}'.format(password=password) if password != '' else ''