Source code for fabliip.releases

This module provides a deployment structure similar to what Capistrano does. By
default, the project layout looks like that::

    current -> releases/20140830180015_1.2.3  -- Symlink to the current release
    repository.git/                           -- Git repository containing the project
    shared/                                   -- Shared files not specific to a release
    VERSION                                   -- The version of the current release

When you create a new release, the code from the `repository.git` directory
is archived in a new directory named after the current date and the version
you're deploying. After that, the symlink `current` is switched to the new

The following variables must be defined in Fabric's env for this module to

    Path to the releases/ directory

    Path to the repository.git/ directory

    Path to the shared/ directory

    Dictionary of shared files {target: link_name}

The following variable should be defined if you want to use the various methods
of this module without having to pass it around :

    Name of the release

from contextlib import nested
import logging
import os

from fabric.api import cd, env, run
from fabric.context_managers import quiet

from . import signals
from .file import ls


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def determine_release_name(release_name): """ Try to get ``release_name`` from :py:attr:`fabric.api.env.release_name`. """ if release_name is None: if hasattr(env, 'release_name'): release_name = env.release_name else: raise AttributeError return release_name
[docs]def get_release_path(release_name=None): """ Return the absolute path to the directory of the given release. If ``release_name is`` not given, try to get it from :py:attr:`fabric.api.env.release_name`. Arguments: release_name -- The name of the release (usually a date like YmdHMS) """ release_name = determine_release_name(release_name) return os.path.join(env.releases_root, release_name)
[docs]def create_release(tag, release_name=None): """ Create the directory for a new release and extract the contents from the git repository at the given tag and put them in this directory. Arguments: release_name -- The name of the release (usually a date like YmdHMS) tag -- The tag to install in this release """ release_path = get_release_path(release_name) run("mkdir %s" % release_path) tmpfile = run("mktemp") run("git archive --output={tmpfile} --remote={remote} {version}" " && tar xf {tmpfile} -C {release_path}".format( remote=env.repository_root, version=tag, release_path=release_path, tmpfile=tmpfile)) run("rm -f {tmpfile}".format(tmpfile=tmpfile))
@signals.register @signals.register
[docs]def activate_release(release_name=None): """ Activate the given release by making the ``current`` symlink point to it. If ``release_name is`` not given, try to get it from :py:attr:`fabric.api.env.release_name`. Arguments: release_name -- The name of the release (usually a date like YmdHMS) """ logger.debug(""" ~ RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!! ~ ___ .-' `'. / \\ | ; | | ___.--, _.._ |0) ~ (0) | _.---'`__.-( (_. __.--'`_.. '.__.\\ '--. \\_.-' ,.--'` `""` ( ,.--'` ',__ /./; ;, '.__.'` __ _`) ) .---.__.' / | |\\ \\__..--"" \"\""--.,_ `---' .'.''-._.-'`_./ /\\ '. \\ _.-~~~````~~~-._`-.__.' | | .' _.-' | | \\ \\ '. `~---` \\ \\/ .' \\ \\ '. '-._) \\/ / \\ \\ `=.__`~-. jgs / /\\ `) ) / / `"".`\\ , _.-'.'\\ \\ / / ( ( / / `--~` ) ) .-'.' '.'. | ( (/` ( (` ) ) '-; ` '-; (-' """) with cd(env.project_root): run("ln -s {target} new_current".format( target=get_release_path(release_name))) run("mv -Tf new_current current")
[docs]def clean_old_releases(keep=5): """ Remove the old release directories from the releases directory, keeping x releases defined by the ``keep`` parameter. Arguments: keep -- The number of releases to keep """ releases = get_releases() result = True for release in releases[:-keep]: status = run("rm -rf %s" % get_release_path(release), warn_only=True) if status.return_code != 0: logger.debug("Failed with status code [%s]" % status.return_code) result = False return result
[docs]def invalidate_last_release(): """ Invalidate the last made release so that it won't be a target for a rollback. """ releases = get_releases() last_release = releases[-1] run("mv {release} {release}{suffix}".format( release=get_release_path(last_release), suffix=FAILED_RELEASE_SUFFIX))
[docs]def get_releases(): """ Return the list of releases on the server, sorted by oldest to newest. """ return filter( lambda f: not f.endswith(FAILED_RELEASE_SUFFIX), sorted(ls(os.path.join(env.releases_root))) )
[docs]def get_currently_installed_version(): """ Return the currently installed version (tag) by reading the contents of the VERSION file, or None if the VERSION file could not be read. """ with nested(cd(env.project_root), quiet()): version = run("cat VERSION") return version if version.succeeded else None
[docs]def update_version_file(version): """ Update the VERSION file with the given version. """ with nested(cd(env.project_root), quiet()): run("echo %s > VERSION" % version)