Source code for fabliip.vcs.git

from contextlib import nested

from fabric import api
from fabric.context_managers import quiet

[docs]def push_tag(tag, remote='origin'): """ Pushes the given tag to the given remote. """ api.local('git push {remote} {tag}'.format( remote=remote, tag=tag) )
[docs]def update_remote_repository_root(tag): """ Fetches the latest git objects on the remote, checks out the given tag and updates the submodules if necessary. Requires the `repository_root` environment variable to be set. """ with nested(, api.hide('commands')):'git fetch -t -p')'git checkout {tag}'.format(tag=tag))'git submodule sync')'git submodule update --init')
[docs]def get_latest_tag(commit='HEAD', run_locally=True): """ Return the latest reachable tag from the given commit. Arguments: commit -- The name of the commit to use (tag, hash, etc) (default HEAD) run_locally -- Whether to get the latest local or remote tag (default True) """ git_command = 'git describe --tag --abbrev=0 {commit}'.format( commit=commit if commit is not None else '' ) with nested(api.hide('commands'), quiet()): if run_locally: tag = api.local(git_command, capture=True) else: with tag = # For strange reasons the above call to run returns git's stderr in # case of failure (eg. if there are no tags yet) even with combine_stderr # set to False. This is a temporary hack to avoid returning git's error # message as the tag name if tag.return_code != 0: tag = '' return tag
[docs]def get_latest_commit(run_locally=True): """ Return the commit identified by the current HEAD. Arguments: run_locally -- Whether to get the latest local or remote HEAD (default True) """ git_command = 'git rev-parse HEAD' with nested(api.hide('commands'), quiet()): if run_locally: commit = api.local(git_command, capture=True) else: with commit = return commit
[docs]def get_commit_messages(first_commit, last_commit): """ Returns all commit messages between first_commit and last_commit in an abbreviated form. """ with api.hide('commands'): changes = api.local( 'git log --reverse --oneline {first_commit}..{last_commit}' .format( first_commit=first_commit, last_commit=last_commit ), capture=True ) return changes